WSA Initiatives
In addition to being involved in WSA activities within their Institute or Center (IC), WSA representatives participate in a number of NIH-wide initiatives. These include:
Anita B. Roberts Lectures
Highlights accomplishments of distinguished NIH women scientists.
NIH/WSA Scholars
Highlights accomplishments of intramural female postdoctoral fellows. Winners give a talk during a WSA/ORWH sponsored seminar.
In 2012, Susan Buchanan and Joan Schwartz, together with the WSA, created an NIH small discussion group program to provide mentoring for tenure track investigators that is separate from scientific mentoring committees. Groups of 6-8 Investigators were formed based on scientific discipline and/or location and led by two or more Senior Investigators. In 2016, Peggy Hsieh took over leadership of this program.
The Tenure-Track Investigator (TTI) discussion groups meet with senior investigators(tenured) roughly 3-6 times a year to discuss issues of interest to TTIs. Examples of recent topics include – the tenure process at the Institute or Center (IC) and Central Tenure Committee (CTC) levels, obtaining letters of recommendation, work-life balance, managing collaborations, personnel issues, questions & answers (Q&A) from recently tenured NIH PIs, and, of course, research both basic and clinical. The organizational subject areas are meant to be very broad in nature. The primary focus is to provide an informal setting where participants can engage in candid discussions and develop contacts across NIH. Contact Susan Buchanan or Peggy Hsieh to learn more or if you would like to start a new TTI group.
Current groups, leaders, and contact information:
- NIDA/NIA Baltimore – Amy Newman, NIDA; Myriam Gorospe, NIA
- Structural Biology and Friends – Susan Buchanan, NIDDK; Wei Yang, NIDDK; Pat Becerra, NEI
- Neuroscience* – Peng Loh, NICHD; Betsy Murray, NIMH; Vijay Ramchandani, NIAAA
Anti-Harassment Efforts
The WSA was directly involved in the initiation and implementation of the NIH-wide anti-harassment efforts. WSA members currently serve on the NIH Anti-Harassment Steering committee, which was responsible for the development of policies and procedures for combatting harassment, including a centralized reporting and investigation system (to Civil) and mechanisms for anonymous reporting. For more information on these resources, please see the links below or contact your IC’s WSA representative.
Increasing the Visibility of NIH Women Scientists and Promote the NIH Mission
- WSA nominated WALS speakers
- WSA nominated NIH research symposium
- Nominate NIH women scientists for National Awards
This page was last updated on Thursday, February 27, 2025