Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs)

NIH Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs) are assemblies of scientists with common research interests. These groups engage with their members via a listserv; sponsor symposia, poster sessions and lectures; offer mentoring and career guidance for junior scientists; help researchers share the latest techniques and information; act as informal advisors to the Deputy Director of Intramural Research (DDIR); provide advice for the annual NIH Research Festival; and serve as hosts for the Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series. Most of these groups welcome interested non-NIH scientists.

SIGs form and evolve regularly as new scientific trends arise. Information about group activities or new groups is published in The NIH Catalyst and on the DDIR Web Board (NIH-only). Central coordination for the groups is provided by the Office of Intramural Research. The NIH also hosts Scientific Listservs and Intramural Organizations.

View the list of NIH Scientific Interest Groups

This page was last updated on Friday, March 25, 2022